Play Video

About the Project

Gas Hero is a multiplayer game native to web3, developed by Find Satoshi Lab, a project where Motion By Design in collaboration with Malicious Delicious, developed a 1 minute animated game trailer, 4 in-game style video, and social/marketing media collateral.
The entire project is an animated video project that seeks to tell the story of the video game.

This project was a game-changer for Motion By Design, making a significant contribution to the company’s growth and the enhancement of the animation and video game industry.

The Process

Our workflow included an in-depth exploration of Gas Hero’s brand and extensive character library. Commencing with the development of preliminary sketches for the storyboard, we proceeded to incorporate 3D renders to enhance both illustrations and perspectives. Various stylization techniques were applied to the characters, emphasizing individual personalities and abilities in distinct ways.

Creative Direction

“Speed ramping between super-slow motion and some select faster, full-paced movements to help tell the story and keep complex animation. A camera moves through the set like it’s almost frozen in time during high-action sequences. Especially battle scenes.”

This was one of the first ideas we crafted during the brainstorming stage. We knew what we wanted to do, and fortunately, we brought it to life just as we envisioned from the very beginning!

Project Breakdowns

Have a look at the BTS. Our creatives and wizards created assets
that make the Gas Hero game trailer a masterpiece.
Characters, environments, and all the cool stuff — it’s a visual feast that makes
gaming a whole new experience.
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Style Frames

Rarely do we kick off our animation process with the storyboard; typically, we dive into crafting some styleframes at the project’s outset before jumping into storyboarding. But this time, the styleframes were created right after our storyboard got the green light. This approach let us pick versatile scenes with ideal composition to highlight a diverse range of colours, framing, and styles throughout the entire trailer animation.


Epic Moments, Frame by Frame! The storyboard phase was like the heart of our creative journey. Here, we brought the script to life visually, taking the idea and turning it into a visual story with rough frames, compositions and scenes that highlighted all the exciting moments in the game. We had a blast going through about 3 rounds of tweaks, and guess what? We found the absolute perfect storyboard to kick off our super fun style frame phase!


Sometimes, the animation phase can be chaotic with multiple animators and editors working on a single project. At MBD, we’ve found many tools to make this process smooth and organised, ensuring that every team member is on the same page all the time. Due to a well-executed production plan, the team smoothly progressed to the animation stage, generating over 15 scenes that required animation almost synchronously. (A huge number of comps in After Effects had to be created to bring this animated trailer to life).

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Illustration + Design

This stage was a challenge with a tight deadline. Using 3D software, we hustled to compose some backgrounds while illustrating character poses. Against the clock, we met the deadline, and even celebrated after sending off more than 15 scenes and 40 illustrated frames!

Impact and Results

Just two weeks after its launch, the Gas Hero animation has proven to be a social media sensation. The animation garnered an impressive 321,000 views on Twitter within this short timeframe. This remarkable reception highlights not only the quality and creativity of the animation but also the effectiveness of Gas Hero’s outreach strategy in capturing the attention of a substantial online audience.

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